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This is me.

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I've never been one to know exactly what to write in these sections.


I guess I'll start with that I'm currently 21 years old and live in East Albury (Australia) with my loving partner Callum and our beautiful dog Ollie, and now most recently our two new chickens, Barb & Hei Hei.

I work as a check-out-chick at Coles 3 days a week and Callum also works 3 days a week and studies Mental Health. We are also an acoustic duo called Dani California but currently due to COVID our duo basically doesn't exist because we can't gig! 

This website I guess, will be filled with blogs about my life, ideas I have and struggles I face.


It's been on my mind to create some form of blog where I store my thoughts and one night I just went, fuck it, do it. That's another thing, I won't try to control my swearing, I'm going to be absolutely myself, hence the name of my blog. 


So, enjoy my blog, or don't, I'm not too fussed. I guess I'm just doing this for myself for some accountability? I'm not entirely sure, but it's here for you to read. I don't know how often I'll post a new blog, I'm not setting a schedule, it'll just be when it feels right/needed.

Let me know what's on your mind

Thanks for sending!

Created by Blogger Dani Sanderson 2020

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